[gem5-users] Integrating Orion Power Simulator with Garnet
2018-07-04 15:01:37 UTC
Dear All,

I would like to integrate the Orion 2.0 with the new garnet 2.0 simulator. As garnet 2.0 has some additional features, I would like exploit the additional features along with the Orion power analysis. Hence, it will be very much helpful to know the procedure to incorporate the Orion simulator with the garnet 2.0.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

F.A. Faisal
Doctoral Student, JAIST
Krishna, Tushar
2018-07-12 02:44:48 UTC
Hi Faisal,
Orion is outdated. We used to have it as part of garnet long back but removed it.
gem5 now has DSENT (https://sites.google.com/site/mitdsent/) integrated.
It is in ext/dsent

The idea is to run dsent at the end of your simulation and it parses the config.ini and stats.txt files and reports network power and area.
The parser is here: util/on-chip-network-power-area.py

Last I had checked, the parser for it was broken. I had a patch to fix it but haven't pushed it into the main repo.

Here they are:

I just checked the parser patch and it doesn’t work with the latest version of gem5, but you can update the parser. I plan to do it at some point, but not in the next few weeks for sure.

python ./util/on-chip-network-power-area.py <gem5 root directory> <simulation directory> <dsent router config file> <dsent link config file> <technology node> [<clock period in ps> (optional)]

Example: python ./util/on-chip-network-power-area.py . m5out ext/dsent/configs/garnet_router.cfg ext/dsent/configs/garnet_link.cfg 32 500
This will model 500ps (2GHz) at 32nm

This will first build dsent, and then run it.
You need to update ext/dsent/CMakeLists.txt to point to the right gcc and g++ library as you can see in the dsent.diff patch.


On Jul 4, 2018, 11:58 AM -0400, ***@gmail.com <***@gmail.com>, wrote:
Dear All,

I would like to integrate the Orion 2.0 with the new garnet 2.0 simulator. As garnet 2.0 has some additional features, I would like exploit the additional features along with the Orion power analysis. Hence, it will be very much helpful to know the procedure to incorporate the Orion simulator with the garnet 2.0.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

F.A. Faisal
Doctoral Student, JAIST
gem5-users mailing list
