[gem5-users] Multi-core execution - gem5 & big.LITTLE total cores
Ciro Santilli
2018-06-05 14:27:46 UTC
On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 3:21 PM, Georgios S. Bousdras
Dear all,
I wonder if It is possible to run the gem5 on a multi-core mode(like the
scons build/ARM/gem5.opt -j “n”) in order to reduce the simulation time.
No: https://github.com/cirosantilli-work/gem5-issues/issues/15
In addition, what is the difference between armv8_gem5_v1_big_little_2_2.dtb
and armv8_gem5_v1_big_little_2_4.dtb?
I ask because I want to simulate a 8 core big.LITTLE system of 4 big cores
and 4 little cores and I don’t know which is a suitable .dtb file.
Observe the contents of dtbs as explained at:

This shows that 2_4 means 2 little and 4 big and won't work.

For 4x4, you need to either:

- convert to dts, modify it manually, reconvert to dtb
- modify the in tree dts used to generate the dtb and run make again
- fs_bigLITTLE.py has an automatic dtb generation if you don't use the
--dtb flag, it should in theory work. Have a look at the script
Best Regards,
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