[gem5-users] Adding files to the disk image failed (Stale NFS file handle)
2018-06-17 08:50:40 UTC
Hi, everyone,

I have compiled the splash2 benchmark and want to copy the binary files into the disk image, but when I run ls command in the booted linux, the copied directory (splash2) are not showed and I get the info as below:

ls: ./splash2: Stale NFS file handle

I further test other operations on the disk image (mount the disk image and remove some directories, e.g., benchmarks and parsec in linux-parsec-2-1-m5.img, then boot the simulated linux to observe), and found that the rm command can also cause the error:

# ls: ./benchmarks: Stale NFS file handle
ls: ./parsec: Stale NFS file handle
bin iscsi lost+found proc tmp
dev lib mnt sbin usr
etc linuxrc modules sys var

I have been confused of this problem for several days, could anyone give some hint or help?


Zicong Wang >>> sent from NUDT mailbox
